Return Policy

60-Day Guarantee:

You may return unopened products (or items containing a reasonable amount of the unused product), in original packaging within 60 days from the date on which the order was placed for a refund of the purchase price. (See Return Policy below for details.)

Return Policy:

You may return unopened products (or items containing a reasonable amount of the unused product), in original packaging within 60 days from the date which the order was placed, for a refund of the purchase price. Only unopened or minimally used items that are in the original packaging may be returned for a refund. If you have any questions about whether your opened product qualifies for return or refund, please contact a customer service representative at and we’ll be happy to help.

Return Processing:

For returns on promotional items, all items included in the promotion (free gift, etc.) need to be returned. When a promotional item included in the original transaction is not returned, the value of the promotional item will be deducted from the refund amount (excluding shipping charges). Shipping charges are non-refundable.

Damaged Items: 

If you receive a damaged item, the issue must be reported to customer service within 48 hours of delivery to receive a replacement item. We only replace items if they are defective or damaged and exchanges are only for exact item purchased, unless the item is no longer available. If a defective item is returned and shows signs of being dropped or physically damaged which is determined to be the cause of the defect, there will be a 25% restocking fee applied.

Exchange Policy: 

You may be able expedite an exchange by placing a new order and returning the unwanted merchandise. In order to expedite the exchange, please place the new order, and send the new invoice number to the customer service agent assigned to your original claim. The new order will be at your cost and once the unwanted item(s) has returned to us, we will refund you for the item(s) (excluding shipping charges). Please check with your customer service agent before placing your new order.

Please be advised that usually refunds can take up to 5 business days to completely process after the refund has been initiated. Refunds can only be issued to the original form of payment for the corresponding order.